
SiS 樂印姊妹 (駱胤鳴.駱胤樺) 未出碟專輯
編曲:Larry Wong
監製:Larry Wong   

每次我揸起支筆 就好似飲左廿四味
諗唔起 諗唔起 點樣摷返啲靈感出嚟
明明我溫緊中史世史 毛澤東 馬克思
講起呢啲政治 發現好多暗示
個腦出現一堆數字 究竟係邊個賦予呢啲數字一種意義
唔好再同我講歷史 我只係想知
你個短訊裡面打嘅1314 係咪暗藏含意

你嘅「鍾意 鍾意」 打亂我啲思緒
我聽日就要考試喇 算啦 豪畀佢
你話「Baby Baby」 邊個畀你扮Justin Bieber架

愛情唔係數學 學校唔教考試唔考
講真丫 就算我識得馬克思愛因斯坦
但係Cool魔同埋Sam哥 我又應該點揀
你啲達文西摩斯密碼 有時都幾煩

Five four three to zero, zero
Five four three to zero
Five four three to zero, zero
Five four three to zero

你話暗戀咗我好耐 但我哋識得個幾月
愛情呃嚟呃去我明 都唔洗去到咁絕
更何況 我唔係千頌伊 你又唔係都敏俊
就好似返工都會遲到 愛情要等運到
我點名果陣你報到 有意外都未嘗唔好
我唔介意你為咗我 掘個大啲嘅 地牢

其實愛情都係 只要你肯花多啲心機
520 1314 你不放下我不放下你
一句到尾 要識得點樣放底自己
講返今次考試 我覺得考試嘅意義
係教我哋點樣做人 而唔係駕馭歷史
今次係我第一次嘅嘗試 畀啲鼓勵支持
畀啲掌聲有請 唔係麥玲玲 係駱胤鳴

Five four three to zero, zero
Five four three to zero
Five four three to zero, zero
Five four three to zero
Five four three to zero, zero
Five four three to zero
Five four three to zero, zero
Five four three to zero

呢首歌真係死都唔斷氣呀 不停repeat
你鍾意就keep 唔鍾意就delete
不過愛情唔一樣 幸福唔可以憑空想像
而係創造包容付出 先係宇宙最強

女人對數字嘅敏感度 強到你想像唔到
如果你是旦噏 亂咁嘈 一定死得早
我可能或者maybe會覆你 520 1314

Five four three to zero, zero
Five four three to zero
Five four three to zero, zero
Five four three to zero
Five four three to zero, zero
Five four three to zero
Five four three to zero, zero
Five four three to zero